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  • Well I'll go to bed at about half ten but I still need to call my dad and stuff. The gate will be open in a minute so you can try and come then :)
    Sorry, I'll just open up. Give me a sec :) I'll have to end straight after, I need to update my thread and stuff before bed :)
    Open! I made it to the photo booth with a minute to spare! (assuming it closes at 8pm, idk)
    I just need to get an ID photo taken and then I'll open the gates. Also, Jacques decided to move in right where the campsite could have gone -_-
    I see you're viewing the thread that caused the banning spree? Also, is it okay if we meet in my new town? I want to get ideas for where things should be, so I can make polls :D
    I don't have any ship tags :p my tags are "#lesbihonest" and "fuzzy bug is a playahhh"

    Wow, I really want to know who's making these tags XD

    I'm just loading up Glaçage now :3
    Let me just check I don't have to do anything for my mum. Also, I might ring my dad at some point. Other than that, we're good! :)
    Yes, it was pizza :3 I think I've only eaten it three times in the last couple of months, I just happened to be talking to you on the days I had it :D

    Provided it's not too late by the time you come online, do you want to come and see my new town? I need help deciding a few places for a campsite, so I can make a poll to decide on the best one :D
    Well I'd love to see your town as well! I love exploring new towns. I hope to finish mine by tomorrow night when you come by (that's if my manager doesn't keep me in like she sometimes likes to do). Lol and I try to find the time to relax, but at the same time so addicted that I can't stop <3

    Lmao your "Ask Fuzzybug" thread is packed and you have so many people saying hi on your wall,
    sorry I should have asked before I assumed <3
    Yesterday I wasn't doing too great because I had a bad headache that lasted all day. As for today, I am doing alright. The next few days are going to be extremely busy for me.
    Lol oh no, I never forgot xD
    I've been so focused on straightening up and renovating my town that I only have visitors for trades. I actually kinda miss just relaxing with others and actually enjoying the town yknow? And I'm flattered you remembered as well; you seem to be so popular!
    wow, you're up late :3 Although knowing my luck, you'll have just left lol
    I don't see your town...
    That being said, I don't know which town you Dicta- err..
    But no towns are showing up.
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