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  • Of course not!The more the merrier!And is your profile picture Luka Megurine?8)
    Lol course I remember you c:
    I'm spending the night at a friends house this weekend, so I'm doing strictly trades
    (something I don't need to focus too hard on if that makes any sense).
    I'll be back home Monday night. Will you be on that evening?
    My gates are open. I forgot to change the date so it's August. Whoops.
    Lol, I wish I could~
    And no, you aren't gloating, lol. More like I am belly aching. ;;
    Nahh, enjoy your life while it's still fancy free and whatnot~! I
    I am so busy all the time now :/
    I was already busy with work during the summer but now it's much much harder to manage my time with both school and work.
    I am pretty glad that I waited until Senior year to get a job, considering that my grades are majorly suffering. ;;
    My life doesn't ALL revolve around you, you know :p lol

    In case I don't speak to you, have fun shopping!
    I'm staying :3 but I've decided to do spanish revision now so I have more time at the weekend :) I'll still be looking on the forums in between reading though :D
    Aww, I know and he leaves on Sunday. Talk about short notice. Worst of all, he's going to... OHIO. The horror!

    No, it's just a running joke I have with my dad in which Ohio is the most miserable place in the world. I've never actually been, so I'm not entirely sure where that came from. *shrugs* No offence if you live there, but I think you live on the east coast. Correct me if I'm wrong.
    You're obsessed with QR codes! :p

    I just found out that my dad has to go to America for a week ;_;
    After lunch I'm gonna tell you the convoluted backstory about how my dad's family fell apart. I could write a soap about them, honestly.
    Yeah, I'm at home alone today... everyone else is at work/college.

    Btw, in the UK, the one with the round ball is called football. The one you call football, we call American Football :3 although sometimes we jokingly call it hand egg, since you don't seem to kick it very often and it's not even ball shaped.
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