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  • When I come in, do you want me to visit and leave 10 times in a row for you to get your station faster?
    I'm just going to let someone quickly come in and gather some signatures then I'll be right over! :)
    It was kinda funny though. It wouldn't have been funny while it was happening, but it is now. :p

    And that's amazing! I have it as well but I really want the bench with the tires so I can make a tiny playground somewhere...
    Hey! It's probably too late today, but do you need help with visitors still? o: I'm sorry about today, I didn't get to eat anything until 7 and I just kind of passed out for a bit afterwards o-o. Everyone else is telling you to feel better. Idk what's wrong but I hope you feel better too ^^ Lemme know if you need visitors still!
    It's no problem at all! I don't mind helping :) Just let me know whenever you're feeling better!
    Hey, I'm certainly still willing to help :) It's okay, after I'm done helping this person, I'm going to sleep too. Tomorrow works for me, I should be available all day. Just let me know when you're online and ready :)
    War of Hormone xD Yeah! You should listen to Dope though it's really catchy!
    I'd love to visit! I'll check back to see how many you have tomorrow c: I can't do it today because I have a quiz tomorrow that I have to study for (chemistry ew) ^^
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