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  • Turns out I went out to dinner x:
    Let me know when you're on and ready ^^
    I can add a payment too for keeping you waiting if you want ;;
    It's completely fine :D I'll be on in a little~ I too have to do some dinner stuff xD
    I was having connection issues Dx I'm sorry. I did a connection test and everything is in order ^^ Let me know when you can open again. I'm super sorry
    I was having connection issues Dx I'm sorry. I did a connection test and everything is in order ^^ Let me know when you can open again. I'm super sorry
    Hi :) I'm going to eat a quick lunch first then I should be ready for the roses~
    Thanks again in advance!
    My life's being rude! I've been busy, then sick... >.> What about yours?
    Aww, thanks so much for letting me know dear. <3 Sorry I didn't get back to u sooner. So much has been going on lately for me. I also forgot to mention that if u see Fuchsia or Pekoe as well u can give me a shout. I recently lost both of them due to tt accidents. ;w; So what villagers are u still looking for yet and I can let u know if I see them? :3

    Also relating to our previous topic: Aww, all the villagers are just so cute! And yeah, Diana and Bruce would totally make the perfect couple! Just like Kid Cat and Tangy do. I totally ship them! <3
    its gonna be so good hahaha
    i will i will!!! maybe over my break next month!!! ☆
    watch Danmachi!!! i finished it awhile ago, i love it * A *
    yup yup i mean theres little coughs here and there but i can just blame that on actual allergies this time ahhaha
    Oh you weren't being rude at all! You definitely didn't give off that impression, so don't worry about a thing, alrighty? Trust me, I've had people unnecessarily respond rudely to some of my posts, so I can easily say that you weren't rude in the slightest. c:
    Well it's easiest when u just go one day at a time if u want to try it. U don't sound dumb at all lovely. cx But no worries! Good luck in getting your dreamies! <3 And aww, I really don't need anything haha, but if u would keep an eye out for Clay for me and let me know if u see him up for grabs anywhere I would greatly appreciate it. I recently lost him in a time travel accident. ;-; Thanks so much! c:

    Also, who all are your dreamies? I'm just curious. :3
    I'm so sorry to hear that lovely! >_< But ooh, word of advice: If it has only been just over a week I think u may be safe. From what I've seen the villagers will usually ask to move again in anywhere around 10-14 days since the last villager has asked to move. ^_^ So u should be fine! I wouldn't worry about it too much dear! c:

    Also, I don't think I can hold Bonbon for long, but if u would be willing to time travel let me know and I could get her to u for about 50 TBT. But if not I totally understand. What do u think? ^.^
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