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  • Ah, sorry to have missed the first time there! I’m around for a bit now, so any time in the next little bit (now to 30 mins or so?) would work; and I’m around in general throughout the day ^^
    Okay heading over now! I don’t have many coupons atm so I’ll pass on the rv trip, thank you tho!
    by the way i saw you had a micle berry, that's quite the rare item.
    do you have any more of such items such as the micle berry ?

    such as:
    - salac berry
    - lansat berry
    - starf berry
    - custap berry
    - jaboca berry
    - rowap berry

    if you only have 1 of these ( and only 1 of that specific berry )
    can you plant and grow some ore for me please ?
    zygarde was the pokemon ( power wise ) that i would have the most trouble withgardevoir would be second, because she hard counters one 3rd of my team.
    the shaymin and celebi ( having aromatherapy and heal bell respectively ) were my biggest thread in the defensive capability department, if any of them would have had toxic i'd be defeated ( granted you wouldn't have paralyzed it before with glare )

    but over all a good battle, i learned a few new things, and that's always good
    it was a practice battle for me, and i took notes on a note pad :p
    my biggest counters are strong grass, psychic, normal, steel and poison types.
    even though i have moves to counter non-poison grass types, and psychic types, i only got conckeldur to counter normal, and nothing to counter poison, so i need to figure out something there.

    chansey was ( well is ) a big problem against a lot of teams, so don't feel bad about that.
    but my ace ( with chansey ) was that it has counter, to OHKO any and all, physical attackers.
    ( because most of this team was special defensive )
    so don't feel bad for having trouble with chansey.
    usually nobody runs counter on anything, and i have like have a dozen pokemon with counter.
    they held their wn against stronger mons ( now i don't know if these wer EV trained, although my guess is not ) and still they pulled through.
    their synergy together was not perfect ( talking about my team here ) but it worked out relatively well.

    your play with the gardevoir was pretty good.
    ( when you did hypnosis while my conckeldur was still out, about to be switched to bisharp )
    you could've gone for the kill ( or at least heavy damage ) with moonblast or psychic.
    but you probably figured i'd switch out, and that was a great play on your part.
    also the zygarde with glare... i did not see that coming :p
    i liked it :)
    thanks for the battle. ^^
    i thought it worked pretty well.

    good battle indeed
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