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  • Oof, are you magic? Just jot a JPN ditto Impish xD I'll hold on to it for ya! And yeah, okay! WIll probably head your way then with questions and whatnot xD
    Hey! Nothing too special, just a modest nature to give it a bit of a boost since it'll be using only sp. attack moves xD In the end, if you have any modest grass or fairy egg group pokemon that are non-english, that can work, and then I can also take whatever non-english ditto if thats easier to do, since the rest of my shinies will be just for collectoin, and not for my team xD Just let me know if you find anything! Been wondertrading for hours hoping to get a modest non-english grass or fairy egg group xD And let me know prices! Besides the pokemon stuff rn, won't be active anymore for a year or so on tbt, so idc about prices too much xD
    Delivery, please! Just don't mind the mess around the train station, I'm holding some items for a few friends so it looks a little cluttered :' D
    ha ha :p
    just make it either OR or AS :p
    and trade some over from X or Y if needed :p
    singular :p
    so only water type pokemon
    or only pokemon with a fire type weakness
    that's quite a lot.

    currently trying to breed away my breeding box.
    it's literally full of pokemon i want bred.

    but which game are you going to do now ( or soon ) ?
    why not just play alpha sapphire ?

    also do you have gen 6 games that you want to new game but haven't yet ?
    a living pokedex is when you have literally ALL pokemon.
    you don't just have venusaur, no, you have to have bulbasaur and ivysaur too.
    ( and that with every pokemon, excluding both white and black kyurem because you can't have both at the same time )

    i completed my pokedex in bue, crystal, ruby, emerald, diamond, platinum, heartgold, and alpha sapphire. :p

    what was your idea with gen 6 ? ( pokemon wise )
    as in what do you want to have ?
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