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  • it's just to test the team a bit.
    it doesn't need to be a amazing team that you're using.

    ( it will be different with our real battle )

    wishywashi is what you're hunting right ?
    Hopefully I'm not too late, but I'm online now and I'm ready to trade whenever you are!
    Hey there! I'm super duper sorry for the late reply! I'm not sure if you're online or not, but I wanted to let you know that I'm still interested in the items! I've been busy offline and I haven't been checking notifs and I apologize for never giving you an update!
    do you have a decent team in gen 6, i kinda want to test a new team i have
    suit yourself :p
    don't say i didn't warn ya :p

    why gastrodon though ?
    swampert is better
    the hidden ability n gastrodon will not do you any good.
    you could also use a magmortar in combination with gastrodon
    no, storm drain is really your best shot at making it worth your while carrying gastrodon in your team.
    also remember, that gastrodon is in a lower tier than a lot of pokemon,so don't be surprised when it get killed by a lot of pokemon
    i'd go with a fire type, teaming up with gastrodon.
    something fast and hard hitting such as arcenine
    don't use sticky hold as a ability
    i'd use storm drain.
    that way you can use gastrodon and a fire/ground/rock type together with gastrodon
    Move 1 Scald
    Move 2 Earth Power
    Move 3 Ice Beam
    Move 4 Recover/Protect
    Item: Sitrus Berry Expert Belt
    Ability: Storm Drain
    Nature: Quiet
    EVs: 232 HP, 176 Def, 48 SpA, 52 SpD
    IVs 0 Spe

    is also pretty solid
    -Ice Beam
    -Toxic / Sludge Bomb
    -Recover / Protect
    Item Attached: Sitrus Berry / Leftovers
    Ability: Storm Drain
    EVs and Nature:
    252 HP / 180 Def/ 76 SpD
    Sassy Nature

    is a pretty decent one
    are you going to use one for double/triple battles ?
    does it need to be a tank, wall, staller, or what ?
    ( what did you have in mind? )
    depends on which generation and what style of battle you're going/planning to use it in. :p
    Ah no, not yet ;-; Wiki says there was one early on, but then doesnt say where. By trainers school? ;-;
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