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  • Yeah, no problem. But it's really not a trouble, so if you need that next time please feel free to tell me. ^^ I leave my gates open until you're finished.
    yes, we've both done all of the NAT type setting changes and even enabled the DMZ like at the end of the nintendo support thread. none of it helped. :/
    That's okay! Thanks for replying lol. And I've heard of that and need to check it out, the animation looks so gorgeous as well <3
    well in gen 1 and 2 it doesn't matter, stats, IV's and EV's were differently calculated.
    and natures weren't a thing
    oh, like that.
    i never look at the stats, natures or whatever when going through the game.
    i only look at them when breeding for competitive play
    i only played all my pokemon games atleast twice ( meaning starting a new game )
    except for Y and Alpha sapphire
    in gold i have Xatu, Umbreon, Lapras, Exeggutor, Arcanine, Feraligatr.
    but i always make unusual teams
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