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  • well it's mostly nostalgia for me.
    i played it when i was a kid, i got it for my 8th birthday.
    and later when crystal comes to the VC i'll get that too.
    oh, i had a joke in mind.
    but it doesn't work if you don't know that specific song
    do you know the song from spongebob when garry ran away and spongebob went looking for him ?
    my town is doing great.
    i have all 10 dreamies, now since 1-1-2018.

    so i'm happy, made some small changes in the patterns of the paths.
    but i'm happy :)
    why didn't you bring it with you so you could keep playing offline and doing the daily routine ?
    didn't you say you let a friend do the daily routine for you while you were away ?
    yeah i did :)
    had a great time celebrating with Isabelle, and Becky and all the rest.
    ( i just stayed home and celebrated with my ACNL friends/villagers. )

    are you having a nice time in Mexico ?
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