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  • What time are you usually online? I can try and be online when you are. Please let me know
    ah, i'm sorry for the late response....i got really busy with my college class and i didnt see your message! :^ ( sure, i'd like the pink wet suit if you still have it! if you don't, that's fine! i can probably keep looking for one if you don't still have it. but if you do, we can trade sometime today or tomorrow i suppose, let me know when you're available! ^^
    I hate we keep missing each other. Will you be on sometime this evening? Or tomorrow morning? And sorry for the triple posts having connection issues.
    I hate we keep missing each other. Will you be on sometime this evening? Or tomorrow morning?
    I hate we keep missing each other. Will you be on sometime this evening? Or tomorrow morning?
    I hate we keep missing each other. Will you be on sometime this evening? Or tomorrow morning?
    Hiya! I wanted to know when I could pick up the rainbow screen, sweets wall, and floor. What time/day is good for you?
    Hi! Here is a list of all the items I'd like to order, including the 4 from your post on my thread! as I feared it's kinda.... big, lol. so sorry, if you think it's too big than I definitely don't mind shaving it down! and, how much tbt would you like in addition to the abd? I also have a spare golden lamp and closet, which I also spotted on your wishlist, that I wouldn't mind adding in!
    hello! I just realized you're the same person who has the yard sale thread haha! super sorry for the spam, I didn't connect the dots.
    anyway, I'd still love to trade with whatever, I have an abd I'd love to give you from your wishlist! this vm was late too alkdfsd, I'm super ditzy today.
    thank you in advance!!! <3
    Added you. It seems my other client went offline for the time being. didja wanna swing by my town super quick after you added me back?
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