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  • I have to go out soon so I'll trade you in about 6 hours. It depends if my dad decides to pick me up to go out somewhere
    dang. I'm sorry. It took me a while to see that VM OTL
    But sure of course. I'll be here when you're ready
    it's 8:27 PM where i'm at, but i have to go to bed in an hour! i hope you have a good day and don't worry about the trade, we can do it tomorrow or even the day after. :blush:
    I'm ready whenever. And may I collect the following fruits from your town, if it isn't too much trouble?
    - Apples, pears, oranges and persimmons?
    It doesn't seem to want to connect. So we can finish up another time if you like? As I've been trying to connect for the past 15 minutes and it fails every time :(
    i'm at school, so i'll trade at your convenience, dear!! 8 - 10 PM CST, right?
    good morning/night~!! i believe i'll be able to do the trade today, if that's okay with you? i'm sorry this is taking longer than it should. ;n;
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