
Profile posts Postings About Inventory

  • Actually never mind I just lost my entire first town. I don't want to play this game anymore.
    Oh god, lol I think i'll leave out the plant items for now so I don't have to calculate their cost in haha. 7 PST works for me.
    ready to trade now! i'm using a different ds than i normally do w/ this copy (cycling in one town with my own ds!) so the fc is different. it's 1306-7326-6089! :D

    as far as where to place the clovers they can go anywhere there's an open space!

    the town name is bellows, by the way, and my gates are open. :>
    i need 25 minutes to finish eating dinner if that's okay with you! ^_^
    hi! i figured i'd vm you just to make sure you know that i accepted your offer. :') i understand that it is a lot of work and would be happy to tip you an additional 100 TBT for a total of 910 TBT! just let me know when you can trade. :)
    Hey! Since Raskell is banned, he wanted me to ask you if you have Drago, or maybe if you have Drago's card? He said he would pay you the tbt as soon as he gets unbanned on Sept 18th.
    sorry i was finishing up some dinner. I have to use my sisters alt town if that okay? the info is: FC: 0232 - 8398 - 4923 / player name Jazzy / Town is kimchi.
    ill add you, and open, and with your next response will send the TBT over ^^
    You've given me so much!! I couldn't just pay the actual cost ;-; I'm glad you gave me everything off my wish lists! You don't know how happy I am to finish my room c': ♡
    Hi again ~ do you by any chance have 1 violet screens, natural low table, and monochrome floor? If so how does 9 tbt sound?
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