freshmanmayor Jul 6, 2017 Hi! I'm sorry for not getting back to you, I didn't see your message in my thread. Yes, you can the ABD! If you're available now, i can open the gates
Hi! I'm sorry for not getting back to you, I didn't see your message in my thread. Yes, you can the ABD! If you're available now, i can open the gates
bonucci Jul 4, 2017 hi! my gates are opened c: feel free to come in and get whatever flowers you need hehe. i think my violets are down at the beach?
hi! my gates are opened c: feel free to come in and get whatever flowers you need hehe. i think my violets are down at the beach?
naviwing Jul 3, 2017 Ready now! I can make a couple trips, as white violets sort of ran wild in Haven, haha!
freshmanmayor Jul 3, 2017 Hello! Your order is ready. Just let me know whenever you're available to pick it up.