U U UnderWish Oct 4, 2017 it wasn't letting me in then i realized i added your friend code on the wrong ds, had to switch over. xD
it wasn't letting me in then i realized i added your friend code on the wrong ds, had to switch over. xD
sophia. Oct 3, 2017 Hi! Sorry to bother you but I was going through the items I got from you and it seems you forgot to give me the pompompurin stuff :0
Hi! Sorry to bother you but I was going through the items I got from you and it seems you forgot to give me the pompompurin stuff :0
sierra117 Oct 3, 2017 I am! I've already added you so I just need to make some room in my pockets and then I'll be good to go
I am! I've already added you so I just need to make some room in my pockets and then I'll be good to go
sierra117 Oct 3, 2017 Half pink and half blue for the starts would be good. I'm available to trade for the next hour or so~
Half pink and half blue for the starts would be good. I'm available to trade for the next hour or so~
P P Pancake225 Oct 3, 2017 Thank you for the smoothness! I am looking forward seeing you tomorrow! Thank you so much!!
P P Pancake225 Oct 3, 2017 The fossils are , Amber Ammonite Archaeopteryx Coprolite Dinosaur egg Dinosaur track Fern fossil Perking man Shark tooth Trilobite Lmk the total of these fossils if you have them. Thank you!
The fossils are , Amber Ammonite Archaeopteryx Coprolite Dinosaur egg Dinosaur track Fern fossil Perking man Shark tooth Trilobite Lmk the total of these fossils if you have them. Thank you!
P P Pancake225 Oct 3, 2017 Aww looks like I missed you D: , Let me know when you are back on. Oh , also I would like to buy fossils too if you can. Thank you !!
Aww looks like I missed you D: , Let me know when you are back on. Oh , also I would like to buy fossils too if you can. Thank you !!
nbkid Oct 1, 2017 Sorry for taking a while I got caught up in stuff, I'm ready to pick up Kiki whenever ^^