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  • Phoebe is moving out in a few days c: would I be able to get Kiki soon?
    Aah ok! Are you looking for anything in return? I'll try to get someone moved out soon ^^
    Ahh sorry I am so late! I've been busy :0 but yes I am looking for Kiki and Lolly! I hope I'm not too late
    Hey there, I'd love to get all of the items from my thread! Would 250 TBT be alright for everything? More, perhaps?
    i sent you the blue candy so if you could pay me when convenient that would be great thank you
    Oh my gawd. Well, rip my money. Welp, let me empty out my locker... Meanwhile, just leave ya gate open
    Its probably around 530 TBT. Ill come pick up when I get home, I got another 30 minutes still I get back and get everything set up.
    Just dump the items at the beach. My 3DS is gonna die soon, and I got an hour of school left. Just VM me when your done so I can save ;P
    I did a very LONG calculation, and I believe its around 491 TBT ;-; (This must be a really big profit for you, R.I.P.)
    I'll open gates, then I can pay afterwards :p
    Hey I'm available for a bit to trade for those villagers pictures! let me know when you are available!
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