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  • They seem fun so far! And my AP gov teacher is pretty chill, she knows my name already haha. I hate history omg I passed AP Euro with a C both semesters.
    $70 is really good! Hopefully you find a ticket
    I was thinking about dropping it when I got to class this morning but I figured I'd probably have to do it next year so might as well do it now. I'm taking video productions and computer science even though I'm probably not gonna need them, ap gov, ap stats, csu writing
    And if there are still tickets hopefully they're not resells that are super expensive
    I would've taken 5 classes but this year they made it 7 periods (it was 6 last year) and the counselors pushed for us to take an extra class (even though we don't actually need it). Dual enrollment's kind of like an AP course, maybe a little harder, except all you have to do is pass the class and you get college credit for it, no $90 exam or anything.
    & omg really? :eek: I'm always quite late on news like that too haha but I try to stay on top for exo
    Hey~~ I like most of my classes so far, my teachers seem cool and I have friends in every one except for 6th period. Plus I get to leave early since my counselor didn't give me a 7th class. But I signed up for a dual enrollment US History course and the teacher's kinda freaking me out talking about the work we're gonna have to do haha
    i'm glad you agree! i have to admit that i did like it a lot when it came out, it was one of my favourites at one point but it just went more & more downhill. and omgomg if you think that his transformation seemed fake you should read the ending, i was physically cringing. yeah, it was obviously going to end badly with touma (read hirunaka no ryussei!) but at least he was honest, if he hadn't kind of shoved his feelings at her i could see it working. he was blonde and mean. is it me or is the second love interest usually blonde lmao? the endgame was couple was ok in strobe edge (spoiler: it was obvious). although i think it's an interesting premise? manga's are usually hella safe and i really want to read more that are a bit more 'out there' do you know what i mean? (do you know any like that?) i haven't read any by her, the only title i recognise is 'honey' is she a favourite of yours :)? i'm really really loving yumemiru taiyou, can't believe i haven't picked it up before!
    tbh i wasn't too keen on it when i first read it (for some reason i didn't like the maid plot, so i.e the whole plot line but that's probably unfair of me) but it seems like a cute manga that i'd like. LOL that sounds like a lot like me too, if tbt ever held any kind of sport contest i'd be straight outta here. i feel like my photography was alright but my writing was terrible lmao, like laughably bad.
    yeah!!! i hate a lot of people who read it because the hate for touma is just overwhelming, they'd always say "touma is emotionally manipulating futuma, it's wrong" even though kou was definitely the worst for that. it got a bit too painful to read, it was almost as if he was going out his way to hurt her, had potential as well. the protag is strobe edge is actually very likable as well, i didn't even notice that she didn't care for the girlfriend until after it ended, but i decided to reread it & nope, she tried to overcome her feelings for her own sake but not the sake of the girlfriend (who was very likable imo although they tried to flaw her so we wouldn't feel bad). yes i agree. if i liked someone with a girlfriend i'd be in a lot of turmoil but usually i don't even see them in such a way because i know they're off-limits. shoujo eh??? but on that note back to reading it religiously hehe~~~
    i've done them all now~ although, none of them are particularly good, but i've been on this forum for a while now & thought i'd like to take part in the festivities! ohhh to be honest i never really finished maid-sama, i probably should after you said that! yes, that's very true! i do try & take advice if it's given to me because it's kind of people to even offer it in the first place (i'm not usually one to ask for advice tbh)
    ao haru ride isn't too great, i liked it to begin with but i ended up really hating the main guy and eventually the girl as well. i did read it until the end though. ye, it's kinda a weird one strobe edge because it centers around the fact the love interest has a girlfriend but i couldn't find one part where the protag actually felt bad about lusting after the guy with a gf, she just kinda felt sorry for herself. anyway i just brought it up because i love the secondary love interest waaay more than the main one. (although looking back he was v manipulative too) i actually read it when i was going through a break up and for some reason found comfort in it, p strange. also sorry for my delayed responses, i've been attempting to write a submission for this tbt firefly thing, have you entered :D?
    whenever a tsundere is introduced i often think to myself 'oh not another one~~~' and then fall instantly in love, it's probably a type that might annoy me irl but in shoujo it's good! i can relate to that a lot, at the same time embarrassingly i've been that person as well, it's hard to follow someone's advice sometimes even when you know they're right because you just wanna keep doing the toxic things (if that makes sense) but it can be pretty hard to keep giving someone the same advice only for them to continually ignore it.
    oh totally, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to worry you! i actually don't know of anyone else that has done extra work outside the degree i was just a little curious if maybe they did where you live! rip you indeed but you'll be fine! it must be exciting that you're nearly out in the big bad world haha, i know you'll be rad out there!
    right now i'm siding with the landlord but i think they're kind of building it so she ends up with the other guy, which i'm alright with too! i believe i'm on chapter 10, although i stupidly forgot to bookmark it so i better be! i'm pretty tired tonight but i don't know if i can resist a couple more! is it a competed series? a lot of friends come to me for advice but they've actually said to me it's not because i'm particularly good at giving it out but that i listen well, so i'm not sure how to feel about that ha. OH MY GOD YES, thank you for naming it hahaha, have you read strobe edge? i feel like i'm the only person who didn't want them to get together lmao. i know, i'm not convinced people like him truly exist but for both our sakes i hope so <3
    The same thing happened to me with my black jeans lol, I don't think I've ever pulled my jeans up by the belt loop since. I really want a pair of black jeans for this year, I have so many tops just sitting in my closet bc they don't look good my skirts or blue jeans.
    I can't believe school's already starting this week ugh, I'm like 70% done with my homework
    oh, i'm curious! do you do any volunteering or anything outside of uni in psych? because it worries me a little how i have so little experience but i'm not really sure if anyone will really take me on as an observer or for work experience
    I'M TEAM BOTH! like honestly i'm struggling so much. i've still not read recent chapters so i know i'm probably gonna change my mind a lot but right now team suwa (i usually prefer the underdog and i feel like that's him right now)
    i started reading yumemiru taiyou & i love it! thank you so much for the recommendation, i may have had a little (huge) binge, her art style is just gorgeous. still not really sure where i want it to end up though! ye, i often day dream about being a criminal profiler but i think there's only a handful in the uk and i doubt they'd want me. the thought of me giving advice to people with problems is laughable, i cry at the drop of the hat and by the end of the session i'd be telling them all my petty problems. honestly cultural psych i don't know much apart from the obvious, we haven't really done much on it, i've just always been so fascinated by how other people act in diff societies. also neuroscience you must be a genius, i'm not gonna lie that's probably the worst branch for me, super interesting but i always struggle
    oh, and i'm glad you liked last note! i agree that the story hasn't really covered the incense thing much but i'm hoping they expand on that! also, sorry if my messages seem a bit disjointed, tbt keeps saying my messages are too long, my bad
    i think the ones here are around £12 but they're a lot cheaper on amazon, my nearest city has one comic book store and the shoujo is v limited! oooo vampre knight <3! haru was pretty cool, i liked how his animal was a cow lmao, if i'm honest that's probs what mine would be. YAY that's so awesome, now i can spam you with questions when my essays are due ;)! we actually choose specific classes this semester so i'm not too sure what i'm doing yet but i LOVE criminal psychology, sadly it looks pretty impossible to get a job in that. i also love environmental and cultural psychology (i take sociology as another class so i'm trying to combine them lmao) i'm definitely more intrigued by research tbh than becoming a therapist or a psychologist but it's early days. what are you heading to do? :) ALSO please correct me but it seems like psych is just one of those subjects you have to take further, pretty much all graduate jobs are looking for masters/phd, it's gonna be a loooong road ahead of me
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