• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

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  • I have no idea what I want to do in the future so I'm not even sure what I need D: & thank you! Its been good so far :blush:
    I think if you're good with algebra, calc shouldn't be too hard. Its mostly just memorizing & understanding rules for derivatives/integrals and there's a few trig lessons. It's challenging but I liked it a lot better than geometry
    I'm pretty good at it :) I had the stats teacher last year for physics and it was hard for me to understand it sometimes, but it was her first year teaching it so hopefully stats goes by a lot better
    I had advanced English classes my freshman & sophomore years, the students were loud a lot but everyone was really nice to each other and bonded with the teacher quite well. I was really surprised at how rude high school students could be, I almost cried in class once because I felt so bad for the teacher. Was stats hard in any way? I took Calc AB last year and I wanted BC this year but they don't offer it since only 2 other people signed up so stats was the only other option
    Yeah the ap lang/lit homework here is a pain. I was going to take lang last year but I didn't want to do the summer work and my friend talked me into dropping it with her even though she ended up not dropping it.. I was so mad at first but I after seeing a lot of my friends struggle with the class I was kind of okay with it. I just hate taking regular classes because of how much the other students misbehave, takes a lot out of the class time D: I'm not taking lit either, so much more homework and I don't think I'd do well. The only homework I have is for ap stats but considering I'm most likely going to keep procrastinating it seems like a lot to finish hah. I didn't even wanna sign up for the class 3:
    Ahh I knoww. This whole month's felt like my birthday since my dad's been taking us out every weekend, so I might just go to the movies with my friends or something. The only reason I don't want it to come is bc it means school's in a couple weeks T.T
    Wow that sucks! People stealing things is the #1 thing I'm worried about when it comes to dorming. Hopefully I can get into his college, its been on my list since elementary school when we took a field trip there haha
    I don't really want to leave home but I most likely will since the colleges I'm planning on applying to are at least an hour away. I wouldn't do well in a dorm either, the communal bathroom thing seems really uncomfortable and I'd hate to share a small enough room with someone else. But if I end up going to the same college as my brother my mom said we'll probably get an apartment so I might not have to dorm
    Its a Chromebook so it doesn't take up that much space and it isn't that heavy either :p I'm so excited but at the same time I don't think I'm ready to leave T.T the thought of college is overwhelming sometimes
    Yeah they make us bring it back & forth everyday and we get to keep it over summer too except for the seniors obviously. I can't believe I'm a senior this year :eek: Time's flown by so quickly
    They only started the program 2 years ago, and they upgraded the all the campus computers to Macs. They're trying to get students to learn how to use technology to prep for college or something. The only reasons I like it is bc it gives me something to play with at home & I get to watch kpop videos when I'm bored in school lol. Its not helping much academically though, from what I've noticed a lot of people's grades have gone down and it makes it way easier for cheating to happen
    LOL I made a Friendster in like 4th grade 'cause that's all my mom let me sign up for. Then in 5th grade I had my friend set up my Myspace so I wouldn't get caught by my parents but all I did was rant in my statuses and try to be friends with my brother's friends. I used to spend hours on Tumblr but our laptop isn't working well anymore and I hate the app for it. My school district gives us a laptop to take home and we used to be able to go on anything but this year they learned how to block a whole bunch of websites so I can't get on it anymore 3: My ig is only for liking/commenting on kpop pictures haha, I deleted my main account a couple weeks ago bc I hardly ever posted
    Oh gosh I made my twitter when I was like 10? Recently I actually looked through a separate twitter account I made before *finally* deleting it and I kid you not it was allll just retweets from those accounts! Not even a single tweet from myself T.T And then I thought that was bad until I looked through my old Facebook posts.. RIP me I don't know why I thought I was cool
    I used to tweet like 20 times a day haha, but yeah now I usually rt a few things & favorite subbed videos or pictures. I've muted a couple people lol, like the ones who tweet too much about everything or rt all the posts from those funny/relatable accounts (aka middle school me), but they're mostly ex-close friends who'd probably question me if I unfollow them
    Same haha! I wonder why they still follow me though, unless they just muted me or something. I used to tweet about feminism and stuff so I guess that was a reason for some girls to follow me but now its all just kpop and I only have like one irl friend actually into it
    (It's ok more time with the loveable girls <3) They'll be coming to my city for part of a little showcase event (not an actual concert), but all the tickets have been sold out! But at the same time, I was pretty hesitant on buying one of those tickets cause it was $70 to watch them perform 'at least 3 songs', and I'm not a die-hard fan who would just want to meet/see them in person LOL. I'm actually waiting for their press access requests to open up, since I've been part of a little Kpop event coverage group/YouTube for the past year or two ^-^
    They do have an appearance on Sketchbook and some radio shows I think >.< YOUTUBE SEARCH! :D AHAHA THAT MV WAS GREAT I watched it so many times... Are you in a place where BTS will be visiting for their tours? :eek:
    LOL Solar is so cutee *v* and Moonbyul makes such a nice guy what the heck hahaha. Apparently they don't do much variety cause they're not good at that more 'scripted' stuff though :( JUNGKOOOK yeah I'm 3 years older LOL BUT NO I resist ok I fall for the charms of JHope. I loved Suga's intro to their album!! It was the first time I really paid attention to him and I was pleasantly surprised :3
    Oh no the tweets were actually about boys and cheesy stuff haha. They were soo embarrassing I probably would've teased myself too now that I think about it. I didn't even think people knew me except for my group of friends since I hardly ever talked to anyone else so I was surprised that they followed me
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