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  • Yeah they're too big. I tried shrinking them in the washer/dryer but they don't seem to get smaller. I had a pair that fit me perfectly but somehow they got a rip in the upper thigh area
    aw! that's so nice! i do try and buy the manga if i enjoy the manga! that's actually one of the reasons i was able to get through fruits basket, i have every volume of it (die hard fan at 14, i still have stickers on my wardrobe of kyo which won't budge) it's kinda a bit difficult do that now though cause i'm not a millionaire. aw man that's so cool, i wish my uni did a japanese class, i'll have to look into it! oh jeez, grad school, that's scary! are you looking forward to it? i'm going into my third year so i've got a while before i start to panic! uni is rad tbh, i'm never really in! i study psychology which is really interesting. what is it you did your degree in if you don't mind me asking? :) they should make a shoujo about tinder or something, let's see some realism lmao. ok i'm getting straight on that manga tonight then!!!!!
    yeah, pretty adorable, that's another manga i need to get caught up on! if i remember correctly i stopped reading it on a definite cliff hanger. ohhhhh really, that sounds hella cute??? i'd go just to soak up the authentic atmosphere (i don't know a word of japanese heh) are you learning at the minute then? i'd absolutely love to after i'm done with uni, such an interesting language! i know right?! if i end up with my childhood best friend i'm outta here lmao. also it's funny how the most popular guys didn't fall for me lmao, shoujo is a lie. SERIOUSLY? i'm gonna have to look that up, i love fruits basket! although i must admit i didn't like the anime (i believe the author hated it too but idk) ohhhh i'm gonna have to give that a read then! please say it's not as heartbreaking as orange though?!? dengeki daisy is really good however i just remembered there's a bit of an age gap but i don't think it's too apparent!
    I remember once I was rushing in the morning so I forgot to put on the shorts. I hung out with my guy friends after school and I had to crawl into the back of the car and they were all watching me get in I hope they didn't see anything. I only have one pair of skinny jeans I wear but they're kind of loose on me. Freshman year I bought 3 pairs that were only a size up from my previous size and they've just been sitting in my closet bc they still don't fit me.. they're in girls' size too :(
    I used to be so self-conscious about showing my legs, so I only started wearing skirts & shorts bc I didn't have jeans that fit me right and I wore socks anyway. They're more comfortable than jeans imo, other than having to worry about wind blowing up my skirt. I don't mind much about the style of the top, as long as it looks good with a skirt I'll wear it
    yeah! i think it just depends how they address it, i really liked love so life because it took a while for the relationship to progress and he seemed actually aware there was an age gap (and also because oh my days that manga is so cute, i start spontaneously crying because those twins are everything). i have never had a hot teacher either, i feel like we have been seriously cheated here! i know we're meant to suspend our disbelief but it's hard when it's a court case waiting to happen! ahh that's true, i defs can't complain about the wait, considering i live in the uk where the books don't come out a few years after the manga. TAIYOU NE EI IS ADORABLE, i honestly think mangas like these screw up potential relationships because i'm stuck in shoujo fever. i have not read the other one you mentioned, is it good? last note is pretty good, i love it when shoujos have another element to them that's not just high school drama (fruits basket, dengeki daisy) i find them easier to get into :)
    i totally understand! i'm not toooooo bothered about age differences but i feel really weird and uncomfortable when it's an age difference relationship where the girl is so young (am i the only one who didn't have a relationship at 14 ;_; ) but i hate student/teacher ones, and spent the whole manga praying they wouldn't get together (which kinda defeats the purpose eh). aaa yeah i've been really enjoying haru matsu bokura too! i have a bad habit of starting and restarting manga because it takes for so long for scans to come out, i must have reread so much haha. i will definitely give the ones you mentioned a read, i usually just pick what i read from most popular which is not a good idea. yeah, i like shoujo that just makes me feel happy (lmao so basically not orange) and i don't have to think too hard about it. oh, i really like last note too, but basically because of the art for the main guy, so pretty!! you're making me wanna go on a manga binge now~~~
    Mainly F21, sometimes Target & Old Navy but I bought a lot online too. I used to shop at this thrift store that let you get as many clothes you could fit in a bag for like $5 but their management changed so they set prices on everything and we haven't gone back since haha. They had some really cute clothes though
    Omg I really need to upgrade my wardrobe, I've only gotten a few new clothes this past year and it feels like I'm wearing the same things every week but its so hard for me to buy anything because I'm so cheap LOL
    i actually need to get caught up on a couple of the latest chapters but i always have to ready myself mentally for them haha. i'm so glad it was continued because i think the author took a break for a really long time & i was getting worried they'd never get back to it. but rediscovering it was great! ohhhhh my a lot lmao, i always feel bad talking about shoujo because i feel like i read the really cheesy teenage ones hahahah, but i actually really loved hirunaka no ryussei, especially the ending (i'm like never happy with shoujo endings) aaaaand horimiya is a big fave of mine too (and a bit less cheesy which i like). ALSO i recently picked up one called hatsu haru which i've been loving! i'm sorry this is a really long winded message aha. do you have any recommendations? :D
    Me too, and if someone calls the cops on me I wouldn't want it to happen again & risk paying a fine or something. It isn't even necessary to have music on that loud in the first place soo
    It is! I doubt anyone wants to have a bad relationship with their neighbors but if confronting or calling the cops on them again will teach them a lesson and get some peace at night so be it
    Right?? And it's not just the music with my neighbors, a couple weeks ago I think they were blowing up firecrackers in the streets, idk but it was super loud I thought a bomb went off or something, and it triggered all the car alarms nearby, some people even came out of their houses and it was obvious they were really upset. I don't get why they can't consider the people living around them
    Omg my next-door neighbors have parties every weekend and they blast Spanish music until maybe 1am? My room is closest to their garage too so it's extra loud for me. Several people including my parents have confronted them about it and I think someone's called the cops on them before but it doesn't seem like anything's changed
    I guess I am haha. I wish my neighbors would blast kpop! They're always playing their music so loud throughout the day & late at night sometimes but it's mostly rap and whatever's mainstream these days
    it has literally ruined me, it's such an emotional roller coaster, i'm so glad i read it though because i hadn't read a shoujo manga in so long but i thought the art looked pretty cute so i had a read & i loved it. although then i accidentally got hooked on like a ton of others and wasted last summer. i'm glad you like it too C:
    Ooh that's the kind I got! It has an alarm clock too so hopefully it does a better job in waking me up than my phone does. It's soo good for blasting kpop in my room haha, I hope its not too loud for my neighbors
    LOL I know! Right on my birthday xD At least they're sending me pictures & videos though. I hardly get presents anymore but my sister got me some EXO stuff and my parents got me a speaker for my iPhone ^^ oh, and some money from my grandparents
    yes it does!!! i'm happy that someone has recognised it! have you read it C:?
    A lot of my friends were at kcon and the rest didn't have rides or money except for maybe one person so I just cancelled :p I watched a movie with my mom & my sister at home though
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