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  • All of the pokes who appear in game through island scan should be able to go into any apricorn or beast ball, right? Since they can just be caught in one of those and then bred and have the ball pass down?
    I thought you were really busy, but I see you do get a lot of VMs so I thought my message wasn't seen. I can trade now if you are around. I also sent you the TBT for the edit.
    Yes special defence please :) can't be done with doing more ev training, never had it taken so long :-0 thank you :)
    Oh I forgot to ask, after we have done the custom order and sent the edits, could I have a shiny stone separately please? Would just need to switch over to sun to get it there if that's okay
    That's okay :) I decided to train EV's this weekend, I'm sure it was easier in x/y which is why I always said on my orders I'd take any EV's and do them myself ;) now I've done the majority, if instead of heatran I could get 1 clone each of my swords of justice pokes please?
    I sent a VM about a week ago, but I don't think you saw it. About the custom Metagross you gave me, can you edit it to be shiny and give the EVs 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4HP?
    Hey again ;) I didn't put it on my order as it's only a small request but I wondered if you could also clone my Heatran please?
    Okay I placed an order R for dedenne but I don't have much TBT right now :c I can barely afford victini.
    Have you heard anything about these hidden abilities on starters? Or any idea how it would work since we don't have safari anymore...
    Yes! They all like to take plenty of siestas! That one's my favorite. lol Can Sigilyph have it's hidden ability Tinted Lens or does it not work?
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