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  • i will work soon..i will renew ur request since u reply my VM..hope we can trade within Tue.,,
    last remind:
    jasond3 (CST)[Reserve Deadline: 21/2-23PM in HK(GMT+8)]
    2 items: (250kIGB)
    Sorry. My 3ds started acting up again. I wont be able to deliver it. :( i will need to fix it first.
    Awww. Thank you soo much. I will definitely miss all of you as well. I might visit tbt once a week, maybe. ^_^
    Hey yes I have ....12blue hydrangeas,11pink hydrangeas,13sweet olive,and 10holly.I also have a saplings and cedar saplings
    Hi yes I do have bushes ...I have been stuck trying to find a home for one of my villagers but I can look at my stock and let you know what I have now
    i online now and ready to trade ...pls VM me when u online again waiting and i will online all the day.
    i mark ur request in my trade list already..hope can trade with u within this weekend
    jasond3 (CST)[Reserve Deadline: 21/2-23PM in HK]
    2 items: (250kIGB)
    Still need the following information. thx and post it in my shop
    **Order Form**
    Mayor Name:
    Town Name:
    Item: milk, butter
    Price: 250kIGB
    Time Zone: CST
    yes of cause ...but pls read the following rules of my thread:
    Pay Attention before leaving message: [Updated]

    (1)Pls just post Order Form in this thread.(otherwise, i will ignore u)
    (2)Trader should use the Order Form of this Thread & all items can be reserved 2-5 days.
    (Pls notice the Regulation of Reserve Deadline)
    (3)I will reply all posts in this Thread and VM(form traders) only.
    (4)I won't send & reply any PM (from traders).(won't waste TBT,sorry-_-)

    pls fill the Order Form and post it in in my thread .thx a lot^___^

    **Order Form**
    Mayor Name:
    Town Name:
    Item: milk, butter
    Price: 250kIGB
    Time Zone:
    When can u trade: (mark the timing clearly pls)
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