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  • I'm not going to be active on TBT anymore. Thanks for knowing. Due to my Wii U there is nothing I can do here.
    Wow, 3 sets?
    Gold tools 6 x 99k = 594,000 x3 = 1,782,000 (18 bags of 99k) Can you afford that?
    Hello! Sorry to inform you but the Regal series has already been guessed by a prior, please feel free to submit another guess or edit your OP. Thanks!
    How long would you need me to hold? If it's more than an hour or so I'd be adding on a holding fee for a total of 75 tbt. If that's fine please send the tbt and I'll hold him for another day.
    i am here now until 23:30PM (GMT+8)...pls try to VM me when u ready to trade
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