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  • I'll be ready at your 8:45, if you're not ready. Don't worry, I won't time travel until you come, so still 13th.
    Just saying my dreamies are Frank and Alfonso. Saying this because I changed dreamies.
    I offered lots of things to him. Yeah, pretty much that I need to time travel the travelling more often. And I will tomorrow.
    Do you need a signature? Do you want one that looks like mine? Just go to Pokemanz's Signature Shop (Nat's Signature Shop). I can send you a link if you want.
    Nevermind, that problem has been solved. I have been a good friend with him. He's not sick anymore but he doesn't seem to be anywhere.
    Sorry for that horrible scare effect. And Stitches I have a question on the Animal Crossing: New Leaf board. Without that being solved, I might: 1. lose one dreamie and 2. I won't be able to ping
    You're getting Stitches, right? From who? JK, why from me of course, hahahahahahahahahaha
    I'm trying the time travel trick so it will go faster but sorry it's taking a long time.
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