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  • Hey there. I have to go to bed early since I have an early day tomorrow. I hope tomorrow we can make a way to get you kidcat, man!
    Hey hey. Sorry we don't cross paths often! Let's have you talk to kidcat tonight? Hit me up.
    It's cool. If by chance I fall asleep we have until the 9th anyway. I don't TT. Message me later and let's see if he's still awake ^^
    You can come by later today, I get home around 5pm forum time today. Anytime after that. :)
    Can you message me if you can tell me if there are any selling posts with Alfonso or Avery.
    Bump is when you create a post so it's not lost as a old post. Such as a new post is not popular you "bump" so it appears at the top of the forum.
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