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  • 20 for the bushes(1 tbt each) and 32 for the clovers(you said 16 right? just trying to make sure. so 52 altogether I beleive
    I actually don't carry regular saplings as there really isn't a demand for them. What I do is give a person 200k bells and then they divide that 200k up into1-10k mini bags of money to plant. They make regular trees that way and since I have tons of money I am not at a loss. And since it such a small amount they won't grow into money trees. Its how I have grown all my regular trees. would you be interested in doing it this way?(it is one of the best non hacks I have ever come across. Also how many bushes did you want and what kind(your post is buried.
    I'll be hopping offline around 9:10. If you can get online before then please let me know, otherwise it will have to be tomorrow after 9:45pm CST
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