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  • Okay I will go with the FIRST SAMPLE I SHOWED YOU OF THE TWO HEART. the one you were iffy about ?XD Since you just told me to use that one right?
    ok no problem! Sorry took a long dinner break out and gym break Xd BACK working now~
    I know you meant bigger XD But the height max for this forum is 250 :( SO I DID a max. I can take out the border and switch it with a simple one or plain no border to make it ab it bigger?

    Bigger=Taller right?

    You want me to just make it like the one previously? Im asking coz i want to match ur description.
    Hi im sorry didnt check that thread...tbt was not my i was willing to trade for but anyways ...how much are you wanting for the set...please do let me know
    I can trade whenever. :) Just VM me when you're and I should reply with 15~20mins.
    I know how to transfer data it's just... I have to return my 3DS today so I don't think I'll be able to transfer my data at all with my new one that comes Friday, y'know?

    And what do you mean you play with your DS upside down? ._.
    Well, I'm sure you'll kinda laugh at me for my reason for exchanging it. All of my friends have so far. >~< But my 3DS screen is too wobbly in my opinion and it disturbs my enjoyment of playing. And just recently one of the hinges started making a creaky/cracking kind of noise so that bothers me even more. Originally, I was going to contact Nintendo about it but after reading many threads on Nintendo's warranty, I just figured my best bet would be to go to Best Buy instead. And it totally worked out, I think. The problem is... how am I gonna transfer my data? ;n;
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