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  • Hello! I saw on twitter a redemption code so I tried entering it in and it said "1 fair ticket. Thanks for following us on Twitter!" But I cam't seem to redeem it
    Justin, pst... the Twitter code doesn't work? :) (At least not for me). Just fyi.
    Main credits goes to Lockfancy for bringing up the T-shirts and Kiikay for asking if TBT had a mascot. The rest of us kept the ball rolling with ideas.

    We came up with possible ideas for more contests if you want to do it this year or if there is a fair next year. This is from the LINE group

    TBT Mascot Contest
    TBT T-shirt Design Contest
    --Official TBT shirt desgin, you can do a raffle to get it printed for the winner or something and sell it and donations go to helping the site with server costs/hosting/future fairs and events
    Heya! Sorry if this is a bother ;o but i have two relatively stupid questions.

    However you'll ve happy to know, they arent about the fair!!

    1. How would I go about changing my username?

    2. Would you happen to know if someones already using the name "Onigiri" ?

    :) thanks!
    The pinwheel collectibles are still in stock, but I already have a real pinwheel and not a pinwheel collectible.
    Are you still taking HoM entries? It says they're being accepted until 11:59 Fair time, but it also says that the event is closed when the thread is closed.
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