ObeseMudkipz Nov 30, 2014 What if I just use something like a dandelion puff or roman candle? When using it they use emotions
ObeseMudkipz Nov 30, 2014 I have a question What if you haven't unlocked the emotions yet? I started a new character and don't have the club. Will that restrict me from getting tickets?
I have a question What if you haven't unlocked the emotions yet? I started a new character and don't have the club. Will that restrict me from getting tickets?
Truffle Nov 30, 2014 http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/d8/e6/70/d8e6701ca6a9f521ff9d0ecb3b9d4022.jpg The day when we become Snapchat friends...
http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/d8/e6/70/d8e6701ca6a9f521ff9d0ecb3b9d4022.jpg The day when we become Snapchat friends...
ApolloJusticeAC Nov 28, 2014 http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?244012-A-TBT-Fan-Fiction-(Kaiaa-x-Gallows)&p=4202584#post4202584