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  • hope you get better too <3 i wish i could be with you now =[

    hope you have the strength to do it. i should probs get a haircut too so gunna ask mom if her lady does it well. cause i only need to trim bangs and ends but most are like trolzilalolol lets cut errything
    if you look up "cold beer" lyrics like a million country song pop up, like all country songs have to mention cold beer...
    ah.. yeah true but you dont want my food poison, believe me and this was a milder form than i usually have :(

    lol yeah so cheesy i cant sand it. i can like old genuine country but this easy listening trash nope
    yesss it is **** im glad i dumped most from the butt yesterday but still my tum is javing a blast >.<

    have fun at least you're not sick like me D:
    yeah.. the cheese was to fatty though and i knew that ****s up my tum so bad so I wonder lol.

    well i haven't puked yet so good thing
    yeah it usually works, i feel a bit dizzy because I can't eat properly but yeah tea and ice cream usually does it. but yeah imma hella tired and i dont really have any drugs for that atm =[

    p much grinding and listening to music cause.. yeah i feel so ughgh
    Hai, I tried to rest and lie down but nah so I just wanted buncha random tv shows and stuff so gonna have some tea and b&j now
    glad i got enough for that turt accent at least i love it to bits <3

    and yeah thing is i felt alright yesterday so i was, like yeah sure nice day tomorrow but when i woke up i was like nope im not going out today
    yeah had to tell a friend i couldn't see them today which sucks so hard and then dad texted me super early too.. aggggh :(

    yeah i had some green/white tea just now but yeah my stomach is still dancing around so i hope i dont have to puke it up.
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