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  • Yeah, me too. I don't care about what gender you are, if you're up for it and I trust you enough go ahead ;) And yeah haha it was fun, we played 4 chicago games.. yeah i won them all ;D
    Also talking about my turtbro I saw the other day.. We were discussing Steam releases and how lewd some of them can be.. And he's all of a sudden "well they release HuniePop right" me: "yeah i have it, bought it on some sale" he: " i didn't knew you were into that" .. <3
    Ah, lol.. But I see. And yeah probably not unless you're into sex with all the diff. genders.

    And yeah, I have respect for people who can handle that kind of BDSM things, but not for me, thanks.

    Anyways I will be going now, just gotta drink something and drag myself outside so I'll ttyl, probs tomorrow.
    Yeah, that's a good thing :) While not ponyplay per se I'm open to most of these things really as long it's not pee, poop, puke or needle things.
    I fell asleep at 12:00 and woke up at 4:00 and then fell asleep and woke up at 5:00
    My sleeping schedule is very messed up ∑(゜Д゜;)
    Aw, could be a fun ponyplay I guess no ;) Haha, I feel ya though people can be a bit that when they get drunk too much
    Yeah I can be a bit slow at first if it's overly complicated or have too many rules or such but that applies to most games. I work on it though!

    And yeah I remember when I played at her place one time I pretty much won all the games except for like 2 or 3 lol ;D
    Haha, if I had the IRL version of CAH lol sure.

    Nah we mostly play regular cards, it's a poker version called 'Chicago', where you play out cards in the end rather than just showing them off and there is no betting or such. It's got a fun twist where you, if you want can call the dibs and do a Chicago (you play out your cards and noone can have better cards than you, then you fail and get - 15 points, if you succeed though you get +15 in the protocol)
    I feel you... I don't really likes when dad gets there since he is always into his other annoying persona by then. Yeah I think her sister in law will be there but it's nice playing cards with them so I don't mind.
    Ah, hope you feel better and yeah being at home for me is stressful as well unless I talk to people or get lost in games or the likes.

    Yeah I will be going in around 2 hours since I promised to visit grandma today/night since she gets a bit lonely once in a while, but I will reply probably tomorrow since I'm gonna stay over night.
    Yes <3 I just wanted you to know from my heart that yeah I would love to meet you IRL once I get money and the time :)

    Also hope you're alright, got a bit worried when you said you cried and things, but yeah if you want to talk you can always drop me a PM or poke me on Skype :)
    Yeah, but I will let you know <3 Hope they will be good looking :D

    Also, I just wanted to tell you this... I'm really grateful to have you as a friend, even if we might or might not see each other IRL and I want to thank you for listening to all my rants and whatever might slip my mouth sometimes. And I love how we met, it's kind of a fantastic story. <3
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