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  • That's fine price for me. Can you give me about 10 minutes? I have someone picking up Bob right now
    Yeah I'd be interested.
    Ruby is my last dream villager :p
    Then all I have to do is cycle out the villagers I don't want in my main town, and bring the 3 dreamies that I have in my cycle town to my main town..
    Easier said than done.
    I'd rather him wear the moldy shirt then let him wear the checkered shirt LOL. Thanks for the kind words though, i'll treasure them when I see Chief selling himself out for a checkered shirt. cx
    You'd think after I moved Filbert out he'd stop spreading his shirt. Nope the legend of Filbert lives on, and this time it's personal. LOL. It really does, although nothing can be done about it now, i've actually been up all night (and i'm still up) plot resetting Chief. Attempting to anyway. :(
    Sigh at first she was an innocent cute bear cub and now she's Ariana Grande. Get you a Pekoe who can do both, I guess..
    I don't wanna ruin her house though, it's so nice and chances are she'll probably replace everything with shirts. :c
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