radioloves Mar 30, 2016 Saaweet sounds like a plan, see you over the weeknd xD good luck, god bless, and maytheforcebewithyou
Saaweet sounds like a plan, see you over the weeknd xD good luck, god bless, and maytheforcebewithyou
radioloves Mar 30, 2016 Omg you are so awesome! lol yeah I think we have each other already! I'll send my tbt after?? Or how would you like? and BLUEEBLUE LUEEUEUEU
Omg you are so awesome! lol yeah I think we have each other already! I'll send my tbt after?? Or how would you like? and BLUEEBLUE LUEEUEUEU
radioloves Mar 30, 2016 YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaAaAaaAaAaaY~~~~~~ That's great news! Thanks so much for making my day C:< I can send and pick up right now~ c:
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaAaAaaAaAaaY~~~~~~ That's great news! Thanks so much for making my day C:< I can send and pick up right now~ c:
radioloves Mar 30, 2016 OHH DANG COULD IT BE MARSHAL!?!? LOL I'll pay you all my tbt, this guy is hard to hunt down lol
radioloves Mar 30, 2016 Aww Chevre was such a beauty! Too bad she didn't find a home xD And ooo this is getting spicy! lool
P P Pammy Mar 30, 2016 Wow, first try and I got one of the villagers I didnt want to move. So if you're still around I can adopt Willow now
Wow, first try and I got one of the villagers I didnt want to move. So if you're still around I can adopt Willow now
P P Pammy Mar 30, 2016 Okay, Thank you! I'll let you know if someone finally moves from my town. Hopefully it'll be within the next 2-3 hours.
Okay, Thank you! I'll let you know if someone finally moves from my town. Hopefully it'll be within the next 2-3 hours.