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  • of course! btw, did you wanna get bob first or should i pick up muffy first?
    so sorry i took forever! i was picking up rudy from someone and didn't even think about the fact that i'd have to plot reset after. anyways, i'm ready now!
    yay! you can add the fc in my sidebar c: i just have to do another trade first, and then i'll be ready. i'll message you when i'm done :D
    Hi, I'm afraid I can't get him today. My timezone is GMT+8 and I just adopted another villager so I have to cycle someone out to make place for him, and I'm afraid I won't be able to do it soon. Sorry and thank you for your message, I really appreciate it c:
    so sorry! I am awake, but I wouldn't be able to take her until tomorrow anyway D:
    Nice!! I'm finishing up a trade. I will let you know once I'm ready for you to come.
    In order to be fair, I will give you 40 more minutes to get the villager out. If the villager doesn't ping to leave, then I will sell Freya to someone else.
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