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  • Do you have space for Erik? I can try and get him into boxes if you'd like. I gave up on Coco.
    hey i'll be home soon. maybe 10 minutes. sorry to make you wait so long! :( traffic is terrible around this time.
    checking in just to let you know i'll be back home and on my 3ds in 30 minutes to an hour. traffic is really bad :(
    okay so apparently she's not moving now.. -.-
    I'll send your TBT back to you, and if she mentions moving again should I message you?
    Yeah, it was NijiNymphia she already sent you the tbt I belive because as I am restarting I need as much help as possible XD I have been trying to get ppl to pay ppl for me cause my transfer box is being a little --- XD
    Brb crying...
    lmao its okay dw about it!
    I've literally been TT'ing all day to get villagers out..>.>
    Yeah I saw! Beau is gonna be hard to get, I just know it lol
    Give me 10 minutes to finish helping a friend and TT so she's in boxes?
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