That is crazy for sure! Just to let you know what I am thinking: I plan on selling them for 25% or less of the market value if this all goes through. o/
I honestly find it crazy as well my friend, I honestly don't know what I would sell them for considering the price they are selling it at, but I do know that I will be selling them for very cheap compared to market because I feel it would be very dirty to resell them at their full value. o/
That is unfortunate for sure, but it looks really cool though (I wonder if staff would let me create a timestamp swapping tool? Hmmm...)! I probably would do Green Balloons though to match a lot of the other collectibles!
Oh yeah :> you should probably go back to my giveaway OP and find the keyword that you'll need to edit your post with so I can enter you in the giveaway! cx
Hello! I just bought the last pastel disco egg, and I'm willing to trade it for yours. I don't need a message on mine as I'm planning to sell it, but would you like one on yours?