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  • Hey my friend, as promised, here's why Easter is called "Easter":

    The naming of the celebration as “Easter” seems to go back to the name of a pre-Christian goddess in England, Eostre, who was celebrated at beginning of spring, scholars say. ... AP - On April 21, Christians will be celebrating Easter, the day on which the resurrection of Jesus is said to have taken place.
    I am unsure my friend, I definitely will have to look into it sometime and get back with you! :D
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    hello I've seen you around and just want to say that otome dissection is such a BOP stan deco*27
    Oh, I get it. Sounds like a cool lineup, no harm in planning ahead! Sorry I wasn't able to help you, but good luck getting what you need. :)
    I actually don't lol
    I'm more fascinated with his videos regarding in-game mechanics, though sometimes I'll watch his TAS videos just to see how they're done. But no, I haven't seen any of the joystickless ones.
    Oh yeah, for sure. Lowkey wish the Kaleidoclover had a background that matched more stuff because as much as I love it I can never find a lineup I like with it. :/
    Haha yeah they look so similar together. Speaking of user names, are you a member of the National Honors society?
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