lucylives Apr 2, 2019 oops, let's call a truce, i won't steal from you again so please dont steal from me :<
MasterM64 Apr 2, 2019 Ah, I see! I am trying not to be too aggressive either. I will say though that if staff decide to turn Bels into actual TBT by adding them to our TBT balances, I am going to want to get as much as possible so I can pay certain people back! lol
Ah, I see! I am trying not to be too aggressive either. I will say though that if staff decide to turn Bels into actual TBT by adding them to our TBT balances, I am going to want to get as much as possible so I can pay certain people back! lol
MasterM64 Apr 1, 2019 Are you sure you want to do nuclear war when these Bels could possibly turn into TBT in the end of all this? xD
Are you sure you want to do nuclear war when these Bels could possibly turn into TBT in the end of all this? xD
Paperboy012305 Mar 22, 2019 You gave me 10 bells because I mentioned that "Pay 10 bells to view this post" post? Well then. Thanks I guess.
You gave me 10 bells because I mentioned that "Pay 10 bells to view this post" post? Well then. Thanks I guess.
Markiemania95 Mar 13, 2019 Great, I'll go online and add you now - and yeah, that's fine if you want to send it afterwards!
Markiemania95 Mar 13, 2019 Sorry, are you still available to trade? If so, I'll add your Friend Code and head online
King Dorado Mar 5, 2019 whoa-- i never realized it but the moon ball and classic easter egg totally match each other, looks great!
whoa-- i never realized it but the moon ball and classic easter egg totally match each other, looks great!
MasterM64 Mar 5, 2019 Awesome and you are absolutely welcome, I just sent the beauty your way! Enjoy! You are now 1 step closer to finishing your Easter egg collection! o/
Awesome and you are absolutely welcome, I just sent the beauty your way! Enjoy! You are now 1 step closer to finishing your Easter egg collection! o/