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  • Awesome and you are absolutely welcome, I just sent the beauty your way! Enjoy! :D You are now 1 step closer to finishing your Easter egg collection! o/
    Hey Lambda, I just acquired the 2013 Classic Easter Egg you are looking for from my friend (visible in my inventory since it doesn't affect my lineup since it's older than all of the collectibles in my lineup)! :D I'll send the beauty your way as soon as I receive the one you wanted to trade for a 2013 one! :) I hope you are doing well today and I look forward to hearing back from you soon! :D
    Do you want to know why I want the Disco Ball Egg or Galaxy Egg? It’s because they are two of the eggs ThatOneMarshalFangirl is missing, and she wants to finish her egg collection.
    Yes, it’s Disney. Even though it’s made by Hyperion animation, Disney owns the rights to it.

    Now can they release it on iTunes please? I’ve gone digital now.
    I’m actually planning on trading them for art or if I’m lucky enough, I could acquire a Disco Ball Egg or Galaxy Egg for all three of these eggs.

    Also, Frozen isn’t the best Disney movie. My favorite one right now - something about five appliances on an adventure.
    never mind, already got the 5 IV, jolly female, technician, smeargle.
    ( it funnily enough has 0 IV's in special attack )
    do you perhaps have the ability capsule ?
    or enough BP to buy it ?

    ( cause i have a 6 IV female smeargle now )

    if not i'm just gonna breed further so it has technician
    ( i think that would be faster than battling for almost 200 BP )
    Hey Lambda, just in case if you didn't see it, I just wanted to let you know that I posted on your thread about looking for certain Easter eggs! I hope you are doing well and I look forward to hearing from you soon! :)
    oh thanks! I'm eyeing a green feather from this past christmas and praying that we get some new green egg for the event coming up
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