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  • yeah mostly only the hackers can get that streepass gold badge by hacking the badge on their ID card in the game.
    I had left it at my mums when i went to stay at hers at the weekend. And i managed to fix my laptop so i'm back online again!
    I've done that, and the error code I get is for a wifi error, but my brother's nintendo's works just fine. So I have no idea . I've been to numerous tech sites, and they say that it would seem that the wifi antenna is loose or burning out and nintendo should have fixed it when I sent it in.
    That sounds good, but to be honest I'm not very good at typing on a ds so it's painfully awkward trying to keep a conversation going and my nintendo has a resetti error if I have guests over for longer than 3-4 minutes. I sent it to be repaired but they would't fix it because they say the charge port has damage (which it doesn't) and my warranty doesn't cover physical damage. Why they think the charge port is broken or how that has anything to do with wifi connection, I don't know.
    We can talk here if you want to though. :)
    so has mine. so far i try to connect the first time and it fails but so far it usually has connected the second time
    Really sorry but i'm busy all of today, and my laptop is going in for repairs so i won't even be able to get on here later :(
    Camping, hiking, renovating, lots of summery stuff, I guess.
    We had a lot of bears and coyotes this summer since it was so dry and they come down from the mountains, so they kept us jumping.
    And you?
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