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  • That's so cool~and congrats to all the battles won!
    Ever had any battles were people give up instead of them losing? I had one, which was annoying cause I was actually winning.
    That's such a cool team! I'm surprised most of the moves are attacking moves, not like that's bad. I usually have my pokemon with all attacking moves and not moves like ability etc.
    I haven't trained them all yet, sadly don't have much hyper training on moon unless you have rare item to get them better. But there's an island thing that can strengthen the growth of stats, so I've been doing that a bit. Hope it makes sense.
    Haven't soft reset for the legendaries though, decided to not get them just yet.
    Also been focusing on getting certain pokemon that are useful when sos chaining. :3

    That's so cool though~do you battle between others with them?
    Sorry for replying late~

    So far just breeding at least all the pokemon in the alola pokedex (and some from national), to have some good stats and some egg moves that I find interesting I want them to use. I have about 20 boxes full of pokemon, some are doubles so I can breed easier with what I need. I'm guessing I've got my perfect pokemon im keeping about ten? I can't be sure, I marked the ones I'm keeping but I ordered them a bit weird so I can't look through them all just yet. Only recently started so I'm taking my time.
    At the moment ive only bred some to get good stats so far~ :3
    Haven't trained them all just yet.
    Ive been trying to breed for outstanding stats is what ive been doing for the game.
    I have a have quite a few with 'outstanding stats' is what they say in pokemon moon i think.
    And you mean pokemon games~? I have all the pokemon games except from: omega ruby, sun/ultra moon, emerald, pearl and diamon and one of the mystery dungeon games. I have all the other pokemon games :) So ive played through them quite a bit.
    And I haven#t really progress that much in the older games, but yeah hoping to return to them at some point. No rush.
    oh my goodness that is actually really helpful! Totally writing that down! Thank you! That actually makes it interesting~like with what moves to set up.
    Yeah shame the shiny eevees usually have bad nature, i think mine for syvleon is pretty alright for it. But yeah I haven't got shiny umbreon yet.

    Yeah, I kinda see that, it being more helpful cause you get to learn from him rather than look at a graph.
    Hope you're having a good day~
    Also what eeveelution do you think an eevee with an impish nature should evolve into? It's also shiny, or should i wait till I get three more shiny eevees as Im trying to have all evolutions as shinies. So far, I have espeon, slyveon, glaceon, vaperoen and leafeon. Sorry if its a lot of questions~
    Ah I see, I do have some with bold nature. and no worries~I actually recentally looked at my x and alpha game and found the guy that judges them. Kinda annoying you would have to just talk to him every single time when you wanted to know something about their stats. And I don't have a lot of pokemon on there and didn't have a ditto at all; sorry ;_; It makes me really wanna restart on the games and get addicted to the older games again.

    Yeah same here, I'm just not as picky about it, as long as it aint ultra balls XD, yeah i like that too. You can also tell by the colours and sparkles on when the pokemon is released into battle.
    I'm still not entirely sure the different, um is attack just for normal moves and special attack, t do with types?
    I have all seasons so Im trying out different things though. I dont always like to stick with a lot of choices everyone else does. even if they don't work XD Just a bit of fun XD
    And I've been working on each and every pokemon in the pokedex with certain egg moves.
    ehh For example, alolan vupix having the moves moonblast and freeze dry, those are pretty common egg moves people say to have on them.
    One other example is deerling, heaving the eggmove rest, along with the other moves as sleep talk, wild charge and grass knot. Just trying to use interesting moves.
    I also want another deerling but with these moves: lech seed, nature power, shadow ball, and sunny day but with different ability.
    While also making sure they have good enough stats and certain abilities. :3
    Sorry I hadn't replied till now, had a bit of a nap cause I was so tired.
    Damn that so~? It sorta does ruin a bit when you can't have certain items you know about in other generations. Kinda like how in the older ones you can evolve Feebas just by getting it's beauty up, but can't do that in moon. Which is annoying cause they give access to the berries that helped beauty.
    I'm not always focused on what poke ball they're in, as long as they aren't in ultra balls. Yuk. My absolute hated poke ball.
    Why bold nature for Feebas? I think I know some people saying its a favourite for Feebas. But Im curious. And really only the female can pass down the hidden ability? I thought it changed and there was a certain percentage the males could help in some way. Or unless you breed it with a Ditto that has hidden ability.
    I dont really know what I got, its been a while, but i might check it out to see what the person says about ivs

    Im just trying to get pokemon with moves i want on them, mainly egg moves and such, before i try battling.
    ah I see, thanks XD its been a while since I've played but I wanna go back to my older games once i finish getting my pokemon on moon ready
    ah darn, is that omega ruby and X and Y? Havent played it in a while, sorry ;_;
    How can you find out how good the iv's are in those games anyways?
    I got a 6iv ditto but i cant promise how real it is. As in hacked. I think, i can never tell XD It's not bold nature though.
    But wow that long? Thats why i dont shiny egg hatch. Find it much easier getting shinies through sos
    oh wow super specific XD
    I could have helped with most of it, but I don't really hatch shiny pokemon. Have you been breeding for one?
    That's good~ :3
    What sort of feebas? What game were you looking for it for?
    I dunno XD Just nothing really happening. It is the start of the year, so maybe thats why. How you been~?
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