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  • I just realize I just need one more visitor in my Twilight town, is it okay that you can stop by and then I end the session.
    Are you okay with that?
    I'm going to stop for a bit just to wait for fiierfly is done visiting you because rn this is going by slowly because of fiirefly is stopping me from coming to your town and I stop her from coming in your town right away. The game of course can't have two people to come by in a town on the same time, so its slowing it down for me.
    Let me know when the lady is done visiting you
    I have been trying to come to your town, but it says that you're busy in your town and that something's not workingD:
    CanI come to your town later?

    Ignore the ratings - you can keep me under close watch

    i still have to make anew town and villager so.

    P.s: my most recent ratings were all good apart from one where I asked if he was ignoring me. "I was expecting worse". See?
    I'll count to 20 times, is that good and idk it fits your name calling you the Master Lars.
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