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  • That's fine! Excuse hugh's dumb house in front of my train station. hoping he's the next to move out lol
    My gate is open
    Sorry for the super late reply!Had to do the laundry.
    And thank you so much for the discount♡
    I'm ready whenever you are
    Sorry my villager is talking to me and i need to check something before i want her to move or not.
    Um, sorry not today~not gonna be on the game that much today.
    but yeah my college sucks, and no worries XD
    Both really but that was my teachers fault cause they didn't tell us tell too late and the other class that was doing the same thing had 2 weeks, we only had four days. :/ We were all lucky to be able to focus enough and get stuff done, we all werent happy though.

    I don;t remember mine being a pink-est town XD I'm not really sure XD
    Great! I have 2 other deliveries to make and I can bring yours or you can come pick up! :)
    glad to hear that XD
    well this one was about tranfiguration. and we had to do 2 A2 sheets and an exam about an artist and make something, too much really for four days
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