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  • Yoooo~im alright, kinda been stressed, I'm having an exam today and my clas only been told four days ago. What about you~you been alright
    wow 2 months XD
    its kinda being hell right now. All to do with my college.
    I closed because my sister was ready to open for me and she doesn't like waiting. So I kept checking to see if you replied and nothing so I just closed for now.
    Sorry right now a person wants to pick up these two things in my town right now, after she is done then I'll give you the clovers.
    Hey! Yep I'm still here :) sorry I haven't been on bell tree for a little while.
    Happy New Year!
    Yeah I never did either but I wanna try and get into it. Besides it gives me a challenge in the game.
    As in the name of the player, and if I get the right stat pokemon. I want that right before I wanna start a game. I've started Silver, called myself Dakota XD
    aw thats cool. I only really do it if I've done a little mistake like for instance got some pokemon I don't want, cause I can't ever release pokemon, thats just too sad. I brought silver and gold today! I cant wait to play it XD just figuring out what to do in it. Might play a little just to feel how it is again. Before deciding what i will really be called and all that.
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