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  • Hi! Me again. I'm going to be on my 3DS tonight until about 10:30 pm - 11 pm EST. If you happen to be on here before then just send me a PM & I can open my gates. Thanks!
    to finish the pokedex. :) im collecting the pokemon differently to what I usually do and use em all at the same time.
    Hey, I see you're online now, would you like me to pay you for the sewing machine now and you can drop it off now? :)
    Sure! Give me a minute, just getting a driftloon in platnium XD Wont be long.
    aw neat! I've never used Xatu before or Exeguuter. In my soul silver I've used: Typhlosion, Feraligatr, Meganium, Umbreon, Girafarig, and Lugia. i'll probs use other things for my party though. Also can you trade now? I can't stay on for long btw, so we can chill on sunday if you can?
    Great! Are you still available? I can hop on my 3DS if you are. Would you prefer pick up or delivery? Thanks so much!
    By the way in pokemon gold, what pokemon have you got in your party? Im just interesyed cause im never too sure what pokemon to get in the old ones
    yeah true, dont know when I get crystal as the cloest shop is almost an hour away and i only really go that way to meet up with a friend. And thanks! I let you know when im ready.
    yeah same tbh, though i never really played the old games, my very first pokemon games were the mystery dungeon and pearl and diamond, cause i got em on a R4 card with several other non pokemon games. (nephre somehow deleted my mytsery dungeons still figuring out how to bring that back) and im hoping to get the heart and gold on saturday and get crystal.
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