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  • Did it~? Glad it was helpful. Luckily my pokemon were able to hold on for you to work on your strategy.
    Since im still sos hunting you may need to add my other friend code: 3540-1287-8640
    I've also never really battled anyone so yh XD dont expect much
    And yup, its wishiwashi~
    I've told you about the ones on alpha sapphire, they supposedly have outstadning stats but i dunno if the moves or nature is great. but havent checked my x and y games. Can't do it now sadly as I'm sos shiny hunting~
    to be honest I don't entirely get the judges, but i think most of my 'outstanding' pokemon would be the legendaries.
    hmm, I'm not too sure. I would have to check but i dunno how good they might be.
    I told yah~all the pokemon i own im gonna try and give em all good stats and stuff.
    I just wanna collect the hidden ability anyways so who knows what I'll do with it.
    ah okay~i see. As long as it can help in some way.
    I'll still get the hidden ablilty anyways XD try some things out.
    what about its hidden ability sandforce?
    I might get one at some point just cause i like trying to get the hidden abilities. I might have to grab another gastrodon to be honest anyways since none of mine have good stats.
    ah sassy, got yah XD thanks~would stick hold nature be alright for nother set?
    yeah double battles sorry XD And maybe a tank and or staller since there's west and east type.
    Nah, but it's nice information to get for the games though.
    I have a guide book for moon but not for alpha sapphire. I mean x and Y
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