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  • That's great XD
    I haven't exactly been playing my games for a it.
    Was more focused on my writing.
    I haven't battled comtetly yet, still slightly nervous :/
    but yeah im sorta getting how it depends on the right things like stats and natures etc.
    Yeah :/
    And yeah XD Hoping to go back cause I haven't done too much on my games.
    Oh, last night I caught a shiny eevee again, it was bold though so i might make it a slyveon.
    odds for shinies? Its still the same for pokemon who can't sos. Pokemon you scan in can't sos but they can be shiny. More if you have shiny charm.
    Ah right, so in moon/and ultra like qr codes in animal crossing; there's qr codes for all pokemon, even shinies and it adds to your pokedex. In one day if you collect 10 qr codes, you can then scan (depends where you in the island plus what route) you can scan in several pokemon. One example is Axew. Its for an hour and i think after an hour or two you can scan again. Each day has different pokemon for each island.
    I might try and eevee sos tonight~
    Might do some of the others afterwards. Oh, yah I'm waiting untill Sunday for when I can scan for axew and look for a shiny of that~ That be fun XD
    Not really shiny hunting right now. but below are the ones O'm probably gonna start with those (and wishiwashi I forgot about mentioning) when I start.
    I'm not shiny hunting right now, but im hoping to sos shiny hunt: cutiefly, shellder, eevee and egg shiny hunts i wanna do at some point are sentret/ponyta etc :)
    Yeah I might try it for some pokemon XD It seems easy enough, course may take some time.
    Ah, wasn't there one where if you use two pokemon from different languages it makes the shiny rate easier?
    Ah thats so cool, what's the masuda method again?
    Yeah i have shiny charm on moon~

    Yeah defiantly XD I dunno when I would be ready, cause I've not done too much in game sadly.
    Oh thats really neat~love those kinda moves!
    Maybe when I can, I try and make my team on x and alpha so we can battle~
    Congrats! Shiny miltank looks amazing! What method did you use for breeding? I've never tried to get a shiny from egg hatching. Just can't wrap my head around it but I wanna try for some pokemon.
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