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  • i missed out on 4 of your freaking boyfriends? what the hell u cassanova holy cow boi.

    bless you, gahh. whats new in the life of lars?
    and bless you, tysm, i'm a collectible slut now. it's happened i cant take it back.
    Yes it is fine s:

    I thought about getting Bayonetta when it came out last year but not sure if it's something I'd be into. And I really need to finish a bunch of games before I buy any new ones tbh xD
    Sorry, but I gotta go! It was so much fun playing with you, though! Let's do it again sometime.
    i'm doing alright, thank you for asking. it's nice to see you back on tbt though :) been a while friend!
    Accepted! I should be able to play now. If I go inactive all of a sudden you'll know why.
    I'll send you a private message with mine in a minute. I've just gotta put the shopping away.
    Yeah, I'm from the UK. I'm back now! It was pouring down out there. If you're still up for it I could play soon. I'll add you and stuff and then let you know when I'm on.
    oh no, i'm sorry about the fights. i've missed all that thankfully at least. WELCOME BACK.

    yeah you've probably missed a bunch, but so have i, so it's it's alright <3
    Haha it's fine, thank you! I got money which I'll use to buy something nice this summer I guess, maybe some games but then again I already have a backlog of them >.<
    Shoot. Plans have changed a little. I gotta go shopping tonight. I don't know what time it is where you are, but over here it's 7:10, and I'll probably be going at around 8. So, I'll most likely be ready to play by 9, or 10 at the latest. I hope that isn't too inconvenient for you!
    Well, I find the Wii U version a little more fun. How long are you on for? I can't play right now but maybe in around two hours time?
    We should play Smash together sometime. Do you have the Wii U version or the 3DS version? I've got both.
    Oh, yeah, I made it. It was awful, though. Super bad. I don't have it anymore, more or less fortunately. But I did do a single render of her recently.
    I'm actually leaving tomorrow so I'll be sure to post a lot today

    I've been getting less active here and barely go on anymore
    I was inactive last easter so i wouldn't know. I wished we had bigger events, i don't think we're gonna get another one until like summer.
    The clues were really hard too! Some were easy, but a lot of them required a lot of searching and thinking.
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