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  • Events like these are what's needed to spark mass activity on TBT. I love these events.
    I was able to find them all, but i sacrificed some sleep to do it! It was pretty fun though, like the eggs i got for my lineup now!
    well, you've got a candy didn't you ;)
    BTW LARS, you have any Jacob's Ladders?
    honestly I don't feel like playing mc at all today..
    my head is going weird. it's like I'm sleepy but I can't sleep.
    oh also you gotta know one thing about me: I'm a completionist which means I have to collect everything! I just hope I won't have to do fishing because fishing is a torture in loz games :'c
    I'm good! messed up my sleeping schedule though...
    I've started playing ac again because I wanted a break from tp. collecting those poe soul is such a pain. I've wasted 2 days looking for them, ugh!
    also will u continue your city in mc? I gotta demolish the dungeon there also I'll scrap the fantasy world idea because of the monster dissappearing problem :(
    Hey bro new to the forum now new to AC I'm on everyday add me of pm ur code can't find I 1048-9718-1638
    bayonetta was for feb 'cause of DLC and midna for march cause of TP and HWL !!
    Just found out about something you may be interested in. The reason I had difficulty animating Bayonetta was because the original animations used in her games were not animated by hand, but animated using motion-capture technology, which means her movement is (at least for the most part) done by a real person. Cool, huh?
    I brought midna back at the beginning of march so she's been up for almost 3 weeks so youre #late
    and it's not twili midna b/cos twili midna is the princess dress, this is cursed midna xo get ur facts str8
    Hey man, so sorry I missed you. I'm going to be on and off Minecraft all today & night. So if I don't reply, just load up MC and see if I'm online.
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