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  • Ooh lagi kuliah di sana kah? Haha gapapa ini aku usernamenya juga ke Jepang-Jepangan...

    Samaaa aku dari pertama kali gabung nyariin kalo ada orang Indo, tapi kebanyakan dari US, EU, atau negara Asia lainnya. Ada beberapa temen aku yang main AC tapi mereka ga cukup serius buat gabung TBT ;w; tapi emang ga banyak, dan kalopun ada biasanya di media sosial yang lain (kaskus, twitter, dll)

    Ooh bagus deh aku nyebut Indo atau ga kita ga saling nyadar XD btw aku kirim friend request ya~ gapapa kan?

    EDIT: ternyata kamu udah ngirim duluan LOL
    WHAT Laudine orang Jakarta?? aku kira dari Eropa o_o YAY aku kira aku orang Indonesia sendiri di sini ;w;
    Thank you! I was super excited when I found out haha. Hopefully I can make it to the open restock so I can get the other pinwheel. :)
    Congratulations on placing!! Your art was spectacular (I voted for you >u<) and you so deserve it! You do lighting so well.
    Hi can you please pm me just confirming the 3 pics you'll give to me. I might forget lol sorry wasn't sure if you saw i replied back in the thread
    Hi Hi!! So I totally wanted to update you on Evelyn for when ever you start drawing her!!

    Here are some new Commissions I got of her on DA! Showing you since you said you were interested in seeing the cool arts i get of her! :p


    Ohhh and I was so excited to get this!! it's a proper Reference Sheet for her!! hope it'll help while drawing her. :p

    Just wanted to give you Evelyn's for once you start working on her. I can wait to see how the colors are emaulated on her since this'll be my first realism portrait or full body piece of her, still don't know what you were thinking of drawing for her. ^^

    If you wanna tell me your idea however I'm totally ears open to listen. :p

    Here's her gallery! ^^
    Clicky Here
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