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  • I'm sorry :( lol, what you put on your thread :) Sorry, I hope I didn't scare you away :(
    This was actually my first time using them. I usually use Baby Sinclair GIFs but I don't want to scare you.
    Oh you!
    The more you do the more I pay
    The more I pay the more you do

    You're still like mah best friend on here though
    I think that's what you were saying you saw.

    Also, let me know if you have any username ideas. :)
    Nevermind, I bought it.
    Of course I found another Zucker when I can actually adopt a villager. But I have the one you're holding to look forward to. :)
    On my profile does it say I have 1000 bells? I tried to buy the username change for later use, but it says I have insufficient funds. :/
    He's a dinosaur. Hehehe
    I think I'm going to wait and think of a better one. If people call me Eridan now, would everyone start calling me Baby if I changed it? Lol that would be weird.
    I have a nice GIF of him for an avatar though. Hehehe
    Probably obvious but when I said same with me after you mentioned auctioning Ankha I didn't mean I was going to auction her to pay you. You would hate that even more. ;)
    I'm pretty sure I scared and scarred my Spanish class last year when I had a slide on a PowerPoint filled with GIFs of him.
    He's much cuter in context though. He is pretty sassy and has some good lines such as "Feed my mouth!" and "No concept of time. Wide awake. Let's dance!"
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