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  • You still have to pick up the couch. Can't forget about that.

    I think I have enough for the username change now. Should I do it?
    I think I'll go with Baby Sinclair since it's something that I like.
    Eh. I'll think about it. I'm still about 130 away from the username change, but idk what I'll do first.
    It's not the first time I'm doing all of the work. One time I got an A and the others failed because I told the teacher. :)
    Best day ever!
    But my avatar would be Baby Sinclair, an adorable character from a show I like. I might make my username Baby Sinclair if I can't think of anything else though because I think he's a cutie.
    I honestly don't know. I want something kinda cool but weird at the same time. I have this made up country called Hawaiidaho that I am the president of and was thinking of President, and having the ottos bar underneath saying of Hawaiidaho but idk if people would think that's totally weird so I probably won't do that. :/

    Uh it was pretty good I guess. Although I did end up doing an entire group project -.-
    But my stupid math substitute is gone and we are actually doing stuff again! I lets rally played ACNL for two weeks straight during that class. All the guy would do is write stuff on the board that he said we didn't have to know and would tell terrible jokes. Everyone was kinda upset to see another sub because we thought the teacher was coming back but he's having surgery. :/
    Did she finally ping?

    If I do get someone out my only concern is that I haven't cycled through 16 villagers to get Zucker. ;-;
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